User agreement

This Agreement defines the terms of use by the site visitor (hereinafter referred to as the User) of materials and services of the site (hereinafter referred to as the Site), and also regulates the relationship between the company(hereinafter Encore or Administration) and a site visitor. The website is not a mass media

1. General conditions

1.1. The use of materials and services of the Site is governed by the norms of international law

1.2. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Site, the User is considered to have acceded to this Agreement.

1.3. This Agreement enters into force with any use of this site. The agreement ceases to be valid when a new version of it appears. The administration reserves the right to unilaterally change this agreement at its discretion. The administration does not notify users about the change in the Agreement

2. User’s rights and obligations

2.1. The user agrees not to take actions that may be considered as violating international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to a violation normal operation of the Site and Site services

2.2. Using the materials of the Site without the consent of the Administration is not allowed.

2.3. When citing materials from the Site, including copyrighted works, a link to the Site is required.

2.4. The user is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external resources, links to which may be contained on the site

2.5. The User agrees that the Site Administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or incurred losses or losses associated with any content of the Site, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services, available on or obtained through external sites or resources or other contacts of the User, which he entered using the information posted on the Site or links to external resources.

2.6. The user accepts the provision that all materials and services of the Site or any part of them may be accompanied by advertising. The user agrees that the Site Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with such advertising.

2.7. The user agrees that he has the right to only search for information on the site and use it for personal non-commercial purposes.

2.8. If the user violates the rules from the #rules channel in the Discord server, the server administration reserves the right to delete the user key and restrict user access to the server without a refund.

3. Rights and obligations of the Administration

3.1. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes take effect 3 (three) days from the date of posting the new version of the Agreement on the site.

3.2. The Site Administration has the right to create, change and delete information on the Site, as well as restrict access to information.

3.3. The Administration undertakes to maintain the site's functionality, except in cases where it is impossible for reasons beyond the control of the Administration.

3.4. The administration undertakes to carry out comprehensive protection of the user account.

3.5. The Administration undertakes to provide all available information about the User to the authorized state authorities in cases established by law

4. Responsibilities of the parties

4.1. The administration does not bear any responsibility for the services provided by third parties.

4.2. In the event of a force majeure situation (military action, state of emergency, natural disaster, etc.), the Administration does not guarantee the safety of the information posted by the User, as well as the uninterrupted operation of the information resource.

4.3. The administration accepts the User's payment data and redirects them to Bank. The Bank is responsible for the processing and safety of the User's personal banking data.

5. The process of purchasing goods on the site

5.1. The site provides a product - private access to the Discord server. This access is provided to the User who paid for the monthly subscription.

5.2. You can buy access to the private Discord server on the website using the payment method - bank card. When the user selects a payment method, the widget will inform that the payment method will be linked to the store. Upon successful payment, the card or wallet details will be automatically saved in the bank and on the Website

5.3. To make a purchase, you must click on the "Buy" button, as a result of which a window will appear in which you will need to enter a password. The password is provided by the administration

5.4. When you make a purchase, a dashboard will open in your browser with a unique key already associated. By clicking on the "Discord server" button, you will find yourself in a closed server.

5.5. Further (once a month) payment is made automatically. Money is debited from the card specified in the personal data every 30 (thirty), the amount depending on the date of purchase of the key.

5.6. Encore reserves the right to decide whether to return or not return funds. Refunds are made only if the product is sold out and an extra payment was made.

5.7. The user has the right to refuse to renew the subscription by canceling it through his personal account. In this case, there will be no new withdrawals from the User's card, and the money withdrawn in the last month of use will not be returned to the card

6. Information Security Policy

Your data security is paramount:

6.1 Secure Payments: We use trusted processors; your payment details are encrypted and not stored on our servers.

6.2 Security Measures: Industry-standard encryption and regular audits for a secure environment.

6.3 Access Control: Limited access to authorized personnel with regular reviews.

6.4 Data Retention: We keep data only as long as needed, securely deleting when done.

6.5 Incident Response: Swift procedures for identifying and containing security incidents.

6.6 Employee Training: Ongoing training ensures staff awareness and compliance

7. Other conditions

7.1. All possible disputes arising from this Agreement or related to it shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the international law.

7.2. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the User and the Site Administration of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for by the Agreement.

7.3. Recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or not subject to enforceability does not entail the invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.

7.4. Inaction on the part of the Site Administration in case of violation by any of the Users of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Site Administration of the right to take later appropriate actions in defense of their interests and copyright protection of the Site materials protected in accordance with the legislation.

7.5. The user confirms that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.

8. Company Information

Name: Kirils Pavluševs

Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club

Regular payments offer


The company, hereinafter referred to as the Supplier, invites Users to use the Recurrent Debit Service and conclude this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), which is an addition to the Agreement and an integral part of the Agreement, on determining the procedure for settlements under the Agreement. The User unconditionally agrees with this Service Agreement by performing implicit actions to connect the Recurrent Debit Service at the time the User accepts this Service Agreement and perform actions to activate the Recurring Debit Service.

Terms and definitions

The Recurring Debit Service - a service for the implementation of regular automatic transfers of funds from the Holder's Bank Card in favor of the Supplier for the goods / services provided by the Supplier under the Agreement on the basis of the previously given acceptance of the Cardholder, in accordance with the tariffs and options under the Agreement.

Contract - a bilateral agreement concluded between the User and the Supplier under the terms of which the Supplier undertakes to provide the User with the Service, and the latter undertakes to pay for them.

Service / Product - the provision by the Supplier of a service / product from the range of the site

User - an individual who has entered into an Agreement with the Supplier.

Request - an information message sent by the Bank to the Issuing Bank to transfer funds from the Bank card to for the benefit of the Supplier.

The issuing bank - a credit institution that issues Bank cards, as well as settlements for transactions performed using Bank cards.

Cardholder - an individual who gives an order to the Issuing Bank to transfer funds from the Bank Card on behalf of the User in favor of the Supplier using the "Recurring Debit" Service.

Bank card - payment or credit card issued by The Issuing Bank, which is a non-cash settlement instrument, intended for the Cardholder to perform transactions with funds in the Cardholder's bank accounts with the Issuing Bank, or with funds provided by the Issuing Bank on credit to the Cardholder in accordance with the legislation of the international law, as well as the bank account agreement, or within the established limit, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement between the Issuing Bank and the Cardholder, provided that such payment or credit card can be used by the Cardholder to pay for the Supplier's Services. Payment for the Supplier's Services in accordance with this Agreement is possible with Bank cards of payment systems VISA International, MasterCard International, registered in accordance with the current legislation of the international law. At the same time, the issuing bank establishes the possibility of using specific types of VISA International and MasterCard International cards.

User Acceptance - the User's unconditional agreement with the terms of this Agreement.

Personal Account - a section of the Supplier's Site, protected by an access control system that provides the User with an interface for interacting with the Supplier under the Agreement.

Supplier's Site - a site located on the Internet at:

1. Description of the service "recurrent charges" and the method of its activation.

1.1 Activation (connection) of the Service "Recurring write-offs" involves the following actions:

1.1.1. On the purchase page of the Supplier's Website, the User enters an e-mail mail and clicks the "Purchase" button. After paying for the goods selected by the User, the service “Recurring write-offs” is connected.

1.1.2. In the personal account of the Supplier's Site, the User clicks the “Activate” button in the “Auto-payment” section. After that, the User pays the minimum amount to connect to the “Recurring Debit” Service. Funds are immediately returned to the User's Bank card, but Recurring debits will be made from the Bank card.

2. Action of the Service "Recurring debits"

2.1. After connecting the Service "Recurring Debit", funds will be transferred from the Bank Card in the time and amount necessary for the proper performance of the User's obligations under the Agreement.

2.2. Direct debiting of funds is carried out by the Issuing Bank on the basis of the User's prior consent to such a write-off in the amount and within the period specified in the Agreement. A request for a transfer of funds with an indication of the amount of transfer to the Issuing Bank is submitted by the Bank and the Processing Center within the framework of the agreements concluded with the Supplier.

2.3. At one point in time, the User can activate (connect) the Service "Recurring debits" only for one Bank card of the payment system Visa (Visa Inc.), MasterCard or Maestro (MasterCard International Inc.).

2.4. The Supplier does not store and process the data of the User's bank cards, as well as other personal data of the Users, providing only requests to the Processing Center and the Bank for the repeated operation of the User's bank card.

2.5. The Supplier does not guarantee the possibility of carrying out operations with the Bank Card.

2.6. The User guarantees that he is the Bank Card Holder, consciously, correctly and completely enters all the required Bank Card details when activating (connecting) the Recurring Debit Service.

2.7. Performing the actions provided for in clause 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 Of the Agreement is recognized as an analogue of the User's handwritten signature.

2.8. Connection of the Service "Recurring debits", in the manner prescribed by this Agreement for the use of the service, is carried out only if the Supplier, the Processing Center, the Bank, of the Issuing Bank are technically able. The Supplier, the Processing Center, the Bank are not responsible for the impossibility of connecting Service "Recurring write-offs."

2.9. The Supplier has the right to amend this Service Agreement by notifying the User in writing in advance or by any other available means, including by sending an e-mail specified in the Agreement by the User, or by telephone message, or by posting information on Supplier's website.

2.10 Funds are debited from the User's Bank card once a calendar month.

2.11 The date of the next debiting the User can view in the personal account of the Supplier's website.

3. Disabling the Service "Recurring write-offs".

3.1. Disconnection (refusal) of the User from the "Recurring Debit" Service occurs:

A) In the "Personal Account" the User clicks the "Cancel" button in the "Auto-payment" section
In this case, the funds transferred from the Bank Cards are not returned to the User until the User is disconnected (refused) from the Service "Recurring Debit" for the Services

3.2. In case of insufficient funds on the Bank Card account for making a transfer, the Supplier has the right to repeat the request to write off funds from the Bank Card.

4. Restrictions when using the Recurrent Debit Service.

4.1. no more than 5 (five) transfers per day can be made from one Bank Card

4.2. the transition to the page "Make a payment" is possible only if the User has an Internet connection, regardless of the current state of the account.

5. Responsibility of the parties.

5.1. The Supplier, the Processing Center, the Bank is not responsible for the inoperability and / or temporary inoperability of the "Recurrent Debit" Service. The User independently controls the fulfillment of his obligation to pay under the Agreement. In case of inoperability and / or temporary inoperability of the "Recurring Debit" Service, the User is obliged to use other methods of fulfilling obligations under the Agreement.

5.2.Disputes between the parties arising in connection with the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement are resolved in the course of sending claims.

5.3. If the Parties fail to reach mutual agreement, disputes between them are resolved in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the Offer.

6. Other terms and conditions.

6.1. Performing actions to connect the Service "Recurring write-offs":

A) The User unconditionally agrees with all the terms of this Agreement.

B) The User gives in advance this acceptance for the write-off of funds 1 Supplier from a Bank Card on the terms of this Agreement.

C) The User grants the Processing Center, the Bank the right to store, collect, process his personal data (Surname, Name, Patronymic, passport series and number , place and date of birth, current account and Bank card number ) in order to implement this Agreement.

D) The User agrees to pay for the Services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement

6.2. The Provider has the right to disconnect and / or restrict the User from the Service

«Recurring write-offs»


Terms of service

By using membership, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms of servicе:

1. Use the membership only for lawful and ethical purposes and not for any illegal or unethical activity.

2. Acknowledge that the accounts used with the membership belong to different individuals.

3. Not to exceed any ticket purchase limits and understand that each account represents only one individual.

4. Any products obtained through the use of the ENCORE IO membership will be for personal use only